Various Job Opportunities at Morogoro City Council 2022 Morogoro is a city, with a population of 305,840, in the eastern part of Tanzania, 196 kilometres west of Dar es Salaam, the country’s largest city and commercial centre, and 260 kilometres east of Dodoma, the country’s capital city. Morogoro is the capital of the Morogoro Region
Various Job Opportunities at Morogoro City Council 2022
Eighty percent of the Morogoro’s water supply comes from the Mindu Dam on the Ngerengere River. The dam project, begun in 1978, has been controversial. The lake behind the dam has led to high rates of bilharzia infection, and mercury run-off from gold mining nearby the dam has polluted the city’s water supply.he dam is also being rapidly silted due to deforestation in the surrounding areas
In 2012-13 a $8.31m USAID/MCC-funded programme was implemented for the Morogoro Water Supply Authority (MORUWASA) to rehabilitate drinking water resources from the Uluguru Mountains with an inlet and treatment plant near the Regional Governance offices at the high end of the Boma Road.
Thanks soon I’m going to apply for job
Me too I will try