The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) News about TCU Tanzania,About us TCU Tanzania,Mission,Vision,The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) is a body corporate established on the 1st July 2005, under the Universities Act 2005 (Chapter 346 of the Laws of Tanzania) with mandate to recognise, approve, register and accredit Universities operating in Tanzania, and local or foreign University level programmes being offered by registered higher education institutions. It also coordinates the proper functioning of all university institutions in Tanzania so as to foster a harmonised higher education system in the country.
The Tanzania Commission for Universities succeeded the former Higher Education Accreditation Council (HEAC) which was established in 1995 under the Education Act 1995 with a legal mandate to regulate the establishment and subsequent accreditation of private university institutions in the country. Being limited only to private universities, such mandate was considered unfavourable for the promotion of a viable public-private partnership in higher education as stipulated in the National Higher Education Policy of 1999.
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Therefore, such circumstances prompted the government to establish a harmonized higher education system in the country which led into the establishment of the Tanzania Commission for Universities. In order to ensure such a harmonious higher education system does not compromise institutional peculiarities and autonomy, each University has the legal right to operate under its own charter.
The mandates and core functions of the Commission are provided under section 5(1) of the Universities Act Cap. 346. These functions can be clustered into the following three major areas.
- Regulatory Function
To conduct regular and impromptu periodic evaluation of universities, their systems and programmes so as to regulate the quality assurance systems at new and established universities and in the process, institutions are registered and accredited to operate in Tanzania. TCU also validates and evaluates programmes to ensure their credibility for recognition of university qualifications attained from local and foreign institutions for use in Tanzania.
- Advisory Function
To advise the government and the general public on matters related to higher education in Tanzania as well as international issues pertaining to higher education, including advice on program and policy formulation and other best practices.
- Supportive Function
To ensure the orderly conduct of university operations and management adherence to set standards and benchmarks, by providing support to universities in terms of coordinating the admission of students, offering training and other sensitisation interventions in key areas like quality assurance, university leadership and management, fund raising and resources mobilisation, entrepreneurial skills and gender mainstreaming.
- Vision
To become a leading regional higher education regulatory agency supporting systematic growth and excellence of university education.
- Mission
To promote accessible, equitable and harmonized quality university education systems that produce nationally and globally competitive outputs.
- Motto
Universities for Prosperity.
>> Our Core Values
- Professionalism
We treat every individual with kindness, dignity and care; consider the thoughts and ideas of others inside and outside TCU with a strong commitment to exemplary personal and institutional altruism, accountability, integrity and honour.
- Transparency
We build up a work culture where employees rigorously communicate with their peers and exchange ideas and thoughts, to gradually building up trust and pride.
- Efficiency
We manage resources smartly, focus on activities that create value and deliver at an appropriate speed and quality at all times.
- Integrity
We ensure that all the academic outputs are produced in line with the international quality by introducing quality assurance measures.
- Tolerance
We foster a spirit of equality that embraces mutual respect, fair play and compassion for those in need and pursuit of the public good.
- Equity
We provide equal opportunities for all with equality of men and women.
- Accountability
We take charge of our choices and actions by showing maturity and not shift blame on others or take improper credit. We pursue excellence with diligence, perseverance, and continued improvement.
- Commitment
We demonstrate honesty in our communication and conduct while managing ourselves with integrity and reliability.
- Creativity
We anticipate and respond to each challenge with innovative solutions and passion.
The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) has its governing Board called Commission and members of the Secretariat lead by the Executive Secretary. The current Organisation Structure of the Tanzania Commission for Universities has been approved by President of the United Republic of Tanzania on 6th June 2018. The Governance structure is made up of the Commission as the supreme decission making body and the committees which serves as advisory role to the Commission. Day to day operational and management issues are handled by the Secretariat led by Executive Secretary and assisted by three Directors. |
The Commission (Board of Directors) is composed of the Chairperson who is appointed by the President of the United Republic of Tanzania and members appointed by Minister responsible for Higher Education. The tenure of office for members of the Commission is three years renewable once depending on successful performance. The current Members of the Commission are:-
Names | Highest Academic Qualification | Position |
Prof. Penina Oniviel Muhando Mlama | PhD | Chairperson |
Prof. Paschalis Gerald Ntome Rugarabamu | MDENT (Dental Public Health) | Member |
Prof. Makenya Maboko | PhD (Geology) | Member |
Dr. Kenneth Hosea | PhD (Biotechnology) | Member |
Mrs. Adelgunda Mgaya | BA (Public Administration) | Member |
Dr. Zakia Abubakar | PhD (Plant Microbiology) | Member |
Prof. Lughano Kusiluka | PhD (Clinical Microbiology) | Member |
Dr. Gift Joseph Kweka | PhD (International Law) | Member |
Prof. Charles D. Kihampa | PhD (Chemistry) | Secretary/Ex-officio Member |
Committees of the Commission
The Commission operates through the Committee system. Section 9(1)-(2) and Section 9(3) of the Universities Act, Cap. 346 provide for the establishment of Committees. Each Committee is given roles and functions. Currently we have five(5) Committees namely; Accreditation Committee, Admission Commitee, Grants Committee, Audit Committee and Staff Appointment, Disciplinary and Development Committee. The current Members of each Committee are as shown below:-
Accreditation Committee
Admission Commitee
Grants Committee
Audit Committee
Staff Appointment, Disciplinary and Development Committee