How to Apply for Tanzania Passport Online The Tanzania Passport is issued by the Tanzania Immigration Department. Tanzania’s Passport Aims To facilitate and control movements of persons through implementation of relevant Laws and Regulations in order to safeguard national security and economic interests.
Passport Application When filling out the passport application form, the Applicant must fill in his information accurately and completely, and once he completes it, he will be given an Application Number and a Reference ID for his application.
How to Apply for Tanzania Passport Online
1. Go to
2. To begin completing the form for a New Request, click Start.
3. To continue the Request that did not expire, click Continue.
4. It will be necessary for you to enter your Reference ID and Application Number of a certain Application Number.
5. Fill out all of your proper information.
6. The Application ID should be saved for later usage.
7. Fill out a previous passport (if you ever had a passport)
8. Fill out the Sponsor & Personnel Information so that they can contact you if there are any issues.
9. Attach all necessary illustrations (subject to instructions)
10. Review all of your information, and if it is accurate, click to accept it.
11. Once you’ve received a Control Number, pay for your form.
12. You can monitor the development of your Request using the Request Status button.
Prerequisites Required for a successful Application
- Applicant’s Birth Certificate
- Applicant’s parents’ Birth Certificate / Birth Certificate
- National ID
- Applicant’s recent photo with light blue Background
- Form fee 20,000 Tsh
- Proof of Travel or Proof of Activity Applicant.
About the Tanzania Immigration Department
According to Section 4(1) of Immigration Act of 1995 Chapter 54 as amended by Act No. 8 of 2015, the Immigration Services Department was created.
The Department is given the power to oversee and assist with immigration matters in the United Republic of Tanzania. One of the security agencies under the Ministry of Home Affairs is the Department.